Hybrid Tea
‘Tineke’ is one of the best white roses available. Grown initially for the Florist Market, it has successfully made the transition from the glasshouse to the outdoors, where it has performed equally well in the home garden.
This classic Hybrid Tea Rose was bred by Select Roses BV, in The Netherlands in 1989, as a cut flower variety. It has been very popular with Florists for many years, especially due to its excellent longevity when used in arrangements.
The large white rounded buds have greenish tints on the guard petals and open to fully double, dazzling, pure white blooms with a very light fragrance. Tineke is a heavily petalled, high pointed, well shaped rose on long, straight stems with attractive dark green foliage.
Tineke is a very healthy rose, reasonably free of pests and diseases, growing to a height of 1.7m and a width of 1.2m. Quick to repeat flower, it is particularly good in the hot summer months and in the autumn.
This rose is a very reliable producer of many blooms in flushes throughout the season and there are not many better white roses for our climate. White roses are great to add amongst a colourful and vibrant rose garden theme.