Love’s Gift
February 10th, 2011
Loves Gift 1


(Code: TOMgift)
Shrub Rose

Love’s Gift is a Shrub Rose bred by one of Australia’s leading rose hybridists, George Thomson in South Australia, and was introduced by Ross Roses in 2001. This rose is tough, disease resistant and loves our hot climate.

This vigorous rose is a truly spectacular sight when in full flower. The ivory-white petals are edged with deep pink which increases in depth to red as the flower is exposed to more sunlight – the hotter the day, the richer the colour.

Love’s Gift needs space as it can grow up to 2m tall and 2m wide. It can be shaped into a tall hedge. It has thick, attractive, dark glossy green foliage and the flowers are predominantly borne singly per stem and occasionally in small clusters on long stems.

As a cut flower, it has a reasonably good vase life. Regularly seen on the show bench, Love’s Gift has won awards as a show exhibit.

Bred for Australia’s harsh conditions, Love’s Gift is in Ross Roses ‘True Blue’ Collection, a group of recommended Australian Roses.

Photos by Robert Hicks and Ross Roses