Jeanne La Joie
Climbing Miniature
Jeanne La Joie is a Climbing Miniature Rose bred in the United States of America by Edward P. Sima from Mini Roses in 1975.
This rose produces beautifully formed medium pink flowers borne in clusters with up to 10 flowers per head, held on stems up to 20cm long, off long arching canes. This makes it ideal as a cut flower as it also has a reasonably long vase life. The flowers have a mild fragrance and contain up to 40 petals and open to approximately 35mm in size. Single blooms also look great in lapels or shoulder sprays. If regularly deadheaded, this climber will produce flowers from mid-October until June.
Jeanne La Joie produces strong canes up to 2 to 3 metres long and one plant will cover a trellis 2m high x 2.5m wide. It also makes an ideal Pillar Rose if planted and supported on a vertical pole 2m to 3m in height.
This hardy rose is very resistant to fungal diseases and enjoys our hot, dry climate.
It is one of the best climbing miniature roses available and is, therefore, highly recommended to the home gardener. Plants are readily available from Rose Society Shows and it can be easily reproduced from cuttings.
Plants available from Silkies Rose Farm, Clonbinane, Victoria, www.rosesalesonline.com.au or phone 03 57871123.
Text by Dean Stringer.