Hybrid Tea
‘Flamingo’ was initially released by German Rose Breeder, Kordes, as a cut flower rose. It is one of many cut flower Hybrid Tea roses to make the transition to the garden. Called ‘Flamingo’ as its colour matches its bird namesake, this rose was called ‘Margaret Thatcher’ in the UK.
Each stem carries one well shaped flower which lasts extremely well when cut for the vase. Each straight stem carries many plump thorns – the only negative feature of this rose.
Flamingo is well suited to our hot dry climate and is generally free of pests and diseases. It repeat flowers regularly and is particularly strong in our summer and autumn.
Each plant can have up to six dozen flowers each flush, ensuring the rose is a colourful feature in the garden. The plant grows to about 1.5m tall and 1m wide. A worthy rose making a beautiful display in both the garden and floral arrangements.