August 10th, 2011
Crepuscule 2


Crépuscule is a reliable, strong rose bred by Francis Dubreuil in France in 1904. It is classified as a Noisette, one of the Old Garden Rose categories.

Flowering throughout the season in decorative small clusters, Crépuscule creates a beautiful rose display with intense, sweet, musk Old Rose fragrance.

Crépuscule can grow into a very large tall shrub rose up to 4m high and 2 to 4m wide. It is also capable of a semi-climbing habit and can be trained against a trellis or along a fence. This cultivar is also used as a large ornamental weeping rose and can create a magnificent display of roses on arching canes.

Crépuscule is orange, fading to apricot-yellow; the name is French for “twilight”, very apt given its colour reminiscent of sunset.

Quick to repeat flower, richly fragrant and very disease resistant; these attributes ensure that Crépuscule continues to be a favourite in many private and public gardens around the world.

Photos by Kay Duncan and Melanie Trimper