Royal Dane
July 13th, 2019




Occasionally there are roses on the market which can be said are underrated and ‘Royal Dane’ is one of these. Named to honour the Danish Royal family, by the famous Danish rose hybridist Poulsen.  It is also known in some countries as ‘Troika’.

Released in 1971, it was developed for Poulsen’s cut-flower division but found to be an excellent garden rose. Deane Ross imported it into Australia in the 1980’s and found it excelled in our hot sunshine, so adding another strong colour to the autumn coloured roses.

The large blooms are a pleasing mixture of copper and orange with red tinted outer petals which deepen in colour during the summer. Blooms are produced in profusion on good length stems set against thick dense foliage. The flowers are strongly fragrant.

‘Royal Dane’ is an ideal garden rose of a moderate height around 1.5m tall by 1m wide, which is a neat and tidy habit much preferred by gardeners. The health of the rose is excellent with glossy rich green foliage.  ‘Royal Dane’ has proven to grow better in Australia than many other locations as it is best in a warmer situation. It simply loves our hot, dry conditions.

‘Royal Dane’ is available from Ross Roses in South Australia and Treloar Roses in Victoria.

Text: Maureen Ross
Royal Dane