Red Gem
‘Red Gem’ is a Mini Flora rose bred by the late Dr. Bruce Chapman in Victoria in 2009. Bruce Chapman, a retired Dentist, was a renowned Australian Rose Breeder who enhanced our reputation for rose breeding. Mini Flora roses have flowers and a plant size which sits between a miniature and a typical floribunda rose.
‘Red Gem’ features vibrant red roses with 26 – 40 petals produced in small clusters. The bush is neat and compact, reaching a height of approximately 40cm and is ideal for smaller gardens or as a container plant on the patio. It also has very healthy foliage with good disease resistance.
This beautiful mini flora rose repeat flowers throughout the season each year and has classically shaped red flowers which perform well in rose shows.
This variety does particularly well on its own roots and can be grown from cuttings taken in May. ‘Red Gem’ creates an attractive display in the garden or can be grown in a 30cm pot. This rose is highly regarded as one of the best Mini Flora roses available in Australia.
Ross Roses are the agent and retailer for this rose and have ‘Red Gem’ for sale all year around in pots. Bare-root roses are also available in the winter months.
Text: Tony Hanna