Lady of Shalott
Shrub Rose
‘Lady of Shalott’ is another internationally acclaimed English Shrub Rose bred by David C.H. Austin in the United Kingdom in 2009.
Prominent rich orange-red buds open into beautiful chalice-shaped blooms, filled with loosely arranged, orange petals. The surrounding outer petals are salmon-pink with contrasting golden-yellow undersides. There is a pleasant, Tea fragrance with hints of spiced apple and cloves. The flowers are produced in clusters and are very full (40+ petals), repeating in flushes throughout the season.
The vigorous plant quickly forms a large, healthy, bushy shrub with slightly arching stems featuring semi-glossy green leaves, which have attractive slightly bronzed colour when young.
It can be pruned as a bush, used as a moderate climber or trained as a small Pillar (bush approximately 1.4m tall or it can reach up to 2m trained as a pillar).
The name is taken from one of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poems to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his birth. The late David Austin Senior loved poetry and, in fact, published several poetry books which he wrote.
BEST CLIMBER Hamilton Rose Trials NZ 2018
ARS All American Garden Rose Fragrance USA 2017
SNdHF Premier Prix Grand Prix de la Rose France 2015
RHS / RNRS Award of Garden Merit UK 2011
SILVER MEDAL Glasgow Rose Trials UK 2011
Available from Wagner’s Rose Nursery, Newman’s Nursery and Treloar Roses.
Text: Melanie Trimper
Photos: David Austin Roses UK and Melanie Trimper
Additional information from helpmefind.com via Les Krake