Miniature Rose
‘Figurine’ is a miniature rose which was bred in 1991 by American breeder, Frank Benardella (1932-2010) and introduced in 1992. Frank was a prolific breeder of miniature roses, making the transition from exhibitor to rose breeding in the 1980s. His meticulous breeding resulted in 20 of his roses receiving the Award of Excellence in the USA and many of his roses were internationally successful and a small collection was imported into Australia.
Figurine’s long stems are the hallmark of this rose and represent Frank Benardella’s achievement in producing a miniature hybridized for the cut flower florist trade. It is mostly grown in glasshouses in South Africa from where it is transported around the world.
This rose is described as being pure white with a pink tinge to having light pink blooms. It depends on the environment in which it is grown. A temperate environment produces light pink blooms and drier climates produce white.
The flowers are long lasting and either borne singly or in small clusters. It is free flowering and resistant to fungus. It has elegant, pointed buds and high-centred classic bloom form.
The bush has an upright, bushy habit and tends to spread somewhat, growing to 45 – 50 cms high and 45 cms wide. It has dark matte green foliage and only a few prickles.
Figurine is available from Treloar Roses in Victoria.
“Basket Class” All Miniature Show The Royal National Rose Society UK
Award of Excellence American Rose Society USA 1992
Text: John Bradshaw
Photo: Melanie Trimper