Blushing Pierre De Ronsard
Large flowered Climber
‘Blushing Pierre de Ronsard’ is an attractive climbing rose bred by Meilland in France in 1999. It has old fashioned creamy white double blooms with a light pink centre. The rose is perfect for covering structures and can reach up to 3 metres in height.
‘Blushing Pierre de Ronsard’ has large fully double blooms and a mild classic fragrance. The abundant foliage is plentiful, glossy deep green and healthy, with minimal thorns. Regular deadheading will ensure the rose repeats well throughout the season. It is rarely without blooms and is a proven performer in South Australia. The blooms are also good for picking and have a relatively long vase life. Blushing Pierre de Ronsard is suitable for planting on an arch, trellis or pillar easily covering withing 3 to 4 years.
‘Blushing Pierre de Ronsard’ is a sport of the ever popular Pierre de Ronsard.
Due to its popularity, Climbing Pierre de Ronsard is readily available, from specialist rose nurseries: Knight’s Roses, Wagner’s Rose Nursery and Treloar Roses.
Text and Photos: Diane vom Berg