‘Soul Mate’ is one of the best yellow floribunda roses available. It features lovely fragrant, gold-coloured blooms and super glossy healthy leaves on a perfectly rounded bush.
This award-winning rose was bred by Tom Carruth, for Weeks Roses, in the USA where it was introduced as ‘Julia Child’ in 2006. It was introduced as ‘Soul Mate’ in Australia in 2009 and in the UK and NZ as ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ in 2012.
Soul Mate produces a large number of fully double, butter yellow blooms, reminiscent of an old-fashioned style rose, with a strong, spicy anise fragrance. Blooms are either solitary or in small clusters on a neat bush approximately 90cm tall and 60cm wide with prolific, continuous flowering throughout the season. Hardy and very healthy, the glossy dense foliage has very good disease resistance and is heat tolerant.
Suitable for garden beds, borders, as a container plant and good for cut flowers. Remove spent blooms to encourage the next flush of flowers.
Make a bright addition to your garden and honour your soul mate with this rose.
Available from Wagner’s Rose Nursery, rose sales online, Treloar Roses and Swane’s Nurseries.
All-American Rose Selection / Best of the Best American Rose Society 2010
Rose of the Year Royal Hort Society UK 2010
GOLD South Pacific Rose Trial NZ 2011
Best Established Rose Glasgow UK 2019
Text and Photos: Melanie Trimper