Hybrid Tea
For over three decades ‘Tequila Sunrise’ has stood the test of time. This award-winning Hybrid Tea rose was bred by Patrick Dickson of Dickson Nurseries in the UK and was first introduced in 1989 and released in Australia in 1992.
The golden yellow flowers are heavily edged in scarlet red, resembling the brightness of a stunning sunrise. The blooms are medium-sized and full (40 petals) in a spiral form with a slight fragrance. It is a hardy rose, very disease resistant and easy to grow, and has strong, glossy dark green foliage.
Tequila Sunrise has excellent repeat flowering throughout the growing season and the bush easily reaches 1m tall x 1m wide in our climate. This rose will provide a colourful display of roses from mid-spring to late autumn. The attractive blooms are on strong stems, making them ideal to pick as cut flowers. Deadhead finished blooms to encourage the next flush of roses.
This rose is available from Wagner’s Rose Nursery and Garden Express.
Gold Medal Royal National Rose Society UK 1988
Gold Medal and Best HT Belfast, Northern Ireland 1991
Silver Medal Glasgow Rose Trials Scotland 1991
Award of Garden Merit Royal Hort Society UK 1993
Text: Kelvin Trimper AM