Miniature & Miniflora Roses
- Black TieBlack Tie
- Mini Flora Rose
- Dark Red blooms
- Tall upright growth to 90cm
- Mild fragrance
- Australian Bred rose
- Bordure NacreeBordure Nacree
- Miniature Rose
- Apricot colours
- Spreading – Bushy
- Fragrant
- Cricket Miniature RoseCricket
- Miniature Rose
- Orange Blend
- Low growth
- Slight Fragrance
- Delicious Miniature RoseDelicious
- Miniature Rose
- Pink Blend
- Low growth
- Strong Fragrance
- Australian Bred
- Figurine Miniature RoseFigurine
- Miniature Rose
- Pink
- Low growth
- Slight Fragrance
- Golden Gardens Miniature RoseGolden Gardens
- Miniature Rose
- Yellow
- Medium growth
- Green Ice Miniature RoseGreen Ice
- Miniature Rose
- White
- Low growth
- Irresistible Miniature RoseIrresistible
- Miniature Rose
- White Blend
- Medium growth
- Fragrant
- Jean Kenneally Miniature RoseJean Kenneally
- Miniature Rose
- Apricot Blend
- Low growth
- Slight Fragrance
- Joyce Abounding Miniature RoseJoyce Abounding
- Miniature Rose
- Orange Blend
- Low growth
- Australian Bred
- Loving TouchLoving Touch
- Miniature Rose
- Apricot blend
- 30 – 75cm
- mild fragrance
- Magic Carrousel Miniature RoseMagic Carrousel
- Miniature Rose
- Red Blend
- Low – Medium growth
- Slight Fragrance
- Magic ShowMagic Show
- Miniature Rose
- White blooms with pink red edges
- Low growth
- Minnie Pearl Miniature RoseMinnie Pearl
- Miniature Rose
- Pink Blend
- Low growth
- Slight Fragrance
- Party Girl Miniature RoseParty Girl
- Miniature Rose
- Yellow Blend
- Low growth
- Fragrant
- PepitaPepita
- Miniature
- Deep Pink
- Low Growth
- Pirouette Miniature RosePirouette
- Miniature Rose
- Pink Blend
- Low – Medium growth
- Fragrant
- Red GemRed Gem
- Miniflora Rose
- Dark Red
- Upright growth
- Australian Bred
- Rise ‘n’ Shine Miniature RoseRise ‘n’ Shine
- Miniature Rose
- Yellow
- Low growth
- Fragrant
- Sweet Chariot Miniature RoseSweet Chariot
- Miniature Rose
- Mauve
- Low growth
- Strong Fragrance